Lessons from the Peaky Blinders aka Small Business Owners Are Trench Diggers
Don’t worry – no previous knowledge of Peaky Blinders required. Much like Tommy Shelby, small business owners find themselves constantly tunneling the trenches, ducking bullets, and facing adversaries head-on. We are the type to commit to the relentless pursuit of success amidst sometimes seemingly insurmountable odds.
Small Business Owner’s Guide: The Value of Your Time
In the wise words of Miles Davis, “Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.”
This statement couldn’t be truer for small business owners. You have everything to get done, but there are only so many hours in a day or week to do it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and turn to the internet for advice, you’re likely to find a plethora of management strategies promising perfection—for a price. These can often be too vague or not easily actionable.
Social Media Tips for Small Business
1. Develop a content plan
Developing a social media content plan that aligns with business goals is an important step in creating a successful digital marketing strategy. The plan should include objectives, target audience and content strategy. Objectives should be specific and measurable and should focus on the desired outcomes for the business.
7 Benefits of Business Networking
From personal experience here at P7 we know that business networking is an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs and professionals alike. It allows you to build relationships with other professionals, find new opportunities, and increase your visibility within your industry. With the right approach, it can be one of the most powerful tools for growing your business. Read More
Seven Tips to Get your Business Ready for the Summer Break
Taking These Points Into Consideration Will Help You And Your Business Get Some Well-Deserved Time Off This Summer.
Would You Let Your Partner do the Bookkeeping?
Who is currently performing the task of your business’ bookkeeping? If ‘my partner’ is your answer, you should keep reading.