It Should Be Easy But It Isn’t: Automation (Part 3)
In our third and final (we promise) discussion about automation for small businesses we are going to talk about implementation.
It Should Be Easy But It Isn’t: Automation (Part 2)
You thought we were done didn’t you? Not quite, there is still a fair bit more to know on this one.
It Should Be Easy But It Isn’t: Automation (Part 1)
The very concept of ‘automation’ evokes thoughts of simplicity, being easy and straightforward, and efficiency, right?
Then you immediately figure out how you could be using automation to make your life as a small business owner easier, and suddenly the world all falls into place, and you sail off into the sunset on your piles of cash. Right? Right?!
It Should Be Easy… But It Isn’t: Prioritising
Is there a worse word in life? Prioritise.
If it doesn’t come naturally to you, the need to prioritise (and even the mere thought of it) is the stuff of nightmares. So much so, that many of us just add it to that list of things we were going to prioritise in the first place and leave it there to haunt us.